01. GitHub Page

A static site hosting service called GitHub Pages reads HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from a repository on GitHub

02. Netlify

One of the most incredible web development platforms available is called Netlify, and it is designed to maximize your productivity.

03. Surge

Surge Simply put Surge.sh is a platform for front-end developers to publish static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript web pages for free (most of the time) from the CLI

04. Firebase Hosting

For your web application, static and dynamic content, and microservices, Firebase Hosting offers quick and secure hosting

05. Bitbucket

BitBucket is a cloud-based service that aids programmers in managing, storing, and keeping track of changes to their code

06. Vercel

Vercel is a cloud platform for serverless and static frontends

07. AWS Amplify

These days, the majority of firms are making the switch to cloud computing and are prepared to cut the cord

08. Neocities

A for-profit web hosting service for static websites is called Neocities

09. Cloudflare Pages

By handling all the time-consuming aspects of web development, Cloudflare Pages drastically streamline creating and delivering websites

10. Gatsby Cloud

With the use of a straightforward Github account, Gatsby Cloud is a platform that enables users to develop and maintain Gatsby websites

11. Carrd

Users may quickly create straightforward, responsive websites with Carrd, a one-page website builder

12. Infinity Free

A web hosting company called InfinityFree Hosting offers unrestricted bandwidth and disc space for free for as long as you need.

13. 000webhost

The most well-known Hostinger subsidiary 000webhost offers a web hosting service

14. Awardspace

AwardSpace is credited with founding the free web hosting sector.

15. Byet Host

A subsidiary of the British web hosting company iFastNet is ByetHost